The election of the national representatives of the labor union

ⓐ 노동조합 및 노동관계조정법 제17조 제2항이 노동조합의 최고의결기관인 총회에 갈음할 대의원회의 대의원을 조합원의 직접·비밀·무기명투표에 의하여 선출하도록 규정하고 있는 취지는, 노동조합의 구성원인 조합원이 그 조합의 조직과 운영에 관한 의사결정에 관여할 수 있도록 함으로써 조합내 민주주의, 즉 조합의 민주성을 실현하기 위함에 있고 이는 강행규정이다.

The intent of Paragraph 2 of Article 17 of the Trade union and labor relations adjustment Act providing that the national representatives to attend the national representatives meeting of the national representatives functioning as the highest decision-making body of the union in lieu of the general meeting of the union members must be elected by a direct, secret and anonymous vote of the union members was to attain democracy within the union by ensuring the participation of the union members in the decision-making process relating to its organization and operation and such a provision was a mandatory provision. 

ⓑ 따라서, 다른 특별한 사정이 없는 한 위 법 조항에 위반하여 조합원이 대의원의 선출에 직접 관여하지 못하도록 간접적인 선출방법을 정한 규약이나 선거관리규정 등은 무효다.

Therefore, unless there existed a special ground for exception, the union charter or the election management regulations prescribing an indirect election of the national representatives by preventing the direct participation of the union members in the election of the national representatives in violation of the above-stated provision of the former Labor Union Act shall be void.


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