The truth is, we say we desire more authenticity in our politics, but when push comes to shove, we want authenticity only when it mirrors our own narrow values and ideals. The reason politicians hire image consultants and stick doggedly to their talking points is that spontaneity and frank talk is punished far more frequently than it is rewarded. That is why it is the public, not the spin doctors or the media, who are to blame for a political culture that is as bland and homogeneous as fast food and DIY furniture. 

The Authenticity Hoax by Andrew Potter


'Record > lines' 카테고리의 다른 글

밑줄친 문장  (0) 2016.08.05

<J.J. Rousseau, Emile or Concerning Education>

나약함과 지배욕이 결합하면 어리석음과 불행만 생겨난다.(이용철 역, 에밀 또는 교육론 1, 한길사, 151쪽)

Authority and weakness conjoined produce only madness and wretchedness. (translated by Eleanor Worthington,  p.49, D.C. Heath & Company, 1889)

Weakness, combined with love of power, produces nothing but folly and suffering. (translated by Barbara Foxley, p. 50, E.P. Dutton, 1921).

Weakness and domination joined engender only folly and misery. (translated by Allan Bloom, p.88, Basic Books, 1979.)


'Record > lines' 카테고리의 다른 글

The Authenticity Hoax  (0) 2018.03.01

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