The nature of the bill obligatory as a bill of formality
1. 어음요건의 성립 여부는 어음의 요식증권 내지 문언증권으로서의 성질상 어음상 기재만으로 판단해야 한다.
Due to the nature of the bill obligatory as a bill of formality and a bill of stipulations, the satisfaction of the requirements for bills shall be determined solely based on the statement on the bill.
2. 어음요건의 기재가 그 자체로 불가능한 것이거나 각 어음요건이 서로 명백히 모순되어 함께 존립할 수 없게 되는 경우에는 그와 같은 어음은 무효다.
In the event that any of the requirements stated on a bill is unattainable in itself or each requirement for a bill is clearly in conflict with others, it is proper to determine that such a bill is invalid.
[Case 1] 만기의 일자가 발행일보다 앞선 일자로 기재되어 있는 약속어음의 효력 (98다59682)
The validity of a promissory note payable on a fixed date, the maturity of which is specified as a date earlier than the issue date.
1. 사건의 개요 Summing-up
ⓐ A(피고)는 B에게 액면 금 30,000,000원, 발행일 1995. 10. 2., 지급기일 1995. 1. 17., 발행지 및 지급지 완도군, 지급장소 주식회사 국민은행 완도지점으로 된 약속어음 1매를 발행했다.
'A'(the defendant) issued to 'B' a promissory note with the face amount of 30,000,000 won, the issue date of October 2, 1995, the payment date of January 17, 1995, the place of issuance and payment of Wando-gun, and the location for payment of Wando Branch of Kookmin Bank.
ⓑ A는 C(원고)에게 위 어음을 배서양도했다.
'B' endorsed and assigned the promissory note to C(the plaintiff).
ⓒ C는 이 약속어음의 최후소지인으로서 위 은행에 지급제시했으나 지급이 거절되었다.
'C', in the capacity as the final holder, presented the promissory note for payment at the above-mentioned bank, however, was rejected.
2. 대법원의 판결 Judgment of the Supreme Court
ⓐ 약속어음의 발행일은 어음요건의 하나로서 그 기재가 없는 상태에서는 어음상의 권리가 적법하게 성립할 수 없다.
Since the issue date of a promissory note is one of the requirements for a valid bills, the rights relating to the bill cannot be legitimately established without the issue date.
The satisfaction of the requirements for the bill shall be determined, in principle, solely based on the statement on the bill and, thus, the supplementation or correction of errors in the part of the statement on the bill after examining the facts extrinsic to the promissory note shall not be permitted.
ⓒ 확정된 날을 만기로 하는 확정일출급 약속어음의 경우, 만기의 일자가 발행일보다 앞선 일자로 기재되어 있다면 그 약속어음은 어음요건의 기재가 서로 모순되는 것으로서 무효다.
When the maturity date of a promissory note payable on a fixed date is specified as a date earlier than the issue date, such promissory note shall be invalid due to the conflict in the statement on the requirements for the bill.
Accordingly, since the stated payment date was earlier than the issue date, the promissory note was invalid due to non-satisfaction of requirements for the bill.
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